We are providing a list of local churches available for partnerships. We encourage you to pray and select a church that is not yet partner and that you communicate with them. When you partner with a church, please fill out the We Want to Partner with a Church form.
In our values as an Alliance family we affirm that every circumstance is an opportunity to walk together as one body. The ALLIANCE District Office hopes that this page will keep us connected and informed about the recovery efforts of our beloved denomination and community as a result of the atmospheric event that took place. Our district is organized in six regions, and for every three of them there is a Coordinator who facilitates the management of aid to the local church; we hereby attach the contact information. Here you will also find information about government agencies and non-profit institutions that support the Puerto Rico recovery process. If you want to help financially you can use the links on this page. We appreciate your interest in helping; and we would still like you to continue praying for our churches, communities and Puerto Rico.
Hno. Carlos R. Ramírez
Disaster Recovery
C&MA | District of Puerto Rico
Email: recovery@laalianzapr.org
Hna. Zahydée Guzmán
Partner with a Church
C&MA | East Region of Puerto Rico
Email: mgc@laalianzapr.org
Pastor John E. Sierra
Partner with a Church
C&MA | West Region of Puerto Rico
Email: johnsierra@gmail.com
Hno. Javier Andrés Gómez
Media and Story
Disaster Recovery
C&MA | District of Puerto Rico
Email: connect@laalianzapr.org
Hna. Brenda Rodríguez
Partner with a Church
C&MA | Central Region of Puerto Rico
Email: brodriguez@laalianzapr.org